Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bajan Salt Fish Cakes - The world's BEST appetizers!

Good piece of salt fish (salted cod fish.. can be found in Spanish supermarkets very easily) boiled until soft.  Pick out bones.   Flake and mix with thyme, onion, seasoning, pepper (hot) and sweet marjoram.   Add flour and a 1/2 tsp of baking powder  Mix until a soft paste/batter.
Test by frying one - if it sticks to the pan it needs more flour.

Well, this is certainly going to send some people in a dither - I would be right there along with you normally - except this is how I got the recipe from my granny's cook.  Sorry!  I'll try and be more precise in the future recipes.. or maybe I'll make this  and do a photo essay.  

Keep your fingers crossed!

I found a video of someone making salt fish cakes, and it is a good representation of what the batter should look like, how to fry it (even though we don't use that much oil as it ain't cheap in Barbados!) and what it should end up looking like.  Here you go:)

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