Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pudding and Souce? Not any day soon.. sorry!

Hi there!  My name is Pudding (not really.. it's a nickname given to me by a dear Aunt who recognized my one true love (desserts) early in life), and I hope to share some delicious Bajan recipes on the web.  For some reason, Bajan's are not sharing their great recipes!  I don't know what's going on there, but I actually read on someone's blog, that they consider salt bread a 'national secret'.  Well, pfffft that!  I LOVE salt bread, and since I don't live in Barbados any more, I want the bloody recipe thank you very much!  My Uncle makes a great one, so as soon as I can get it, I will post.  I initially wanted to call this blog Salt Bread (due to my love for it!) and I did start one up -, but I have forgotten my email account attached to it:(  Oh well.. this is good as I do love pudding and souce too, but as stated, don't hold your breath for the recipe.  It's a pita to make!

Okay folks.. forgive that awkward introduction.  I hope to improve as I go along.

P.S. I am unemployed at the mo, so posting of recipes may be slow due to my penny pinching.

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